Tantra says: Never condemn anything; the attitude of condemnation is the stupid attitude. By condemning something you are denying yourself the possibility that would have become available to you if you had evolved the lower. Don’t condemn the mud, because the lotus is hidden in the mud; use the mud to produce the #lotus. Of course the mud is not the lotus yet, but it can be. And the #creative person, the religious person, will help the mud to release its lotus so that the lotus can be freed from the mud. Saraha is the founder of the Tantra vision. It is of tremendous import and particularly for the present moment in #human#history, because a new man is striving to be born, a new #consciousness is knocking on the doors. And the future is going to be that of Tantra, because now, dual attitudes can no longer hold man’s mind. ~Osho
Scarlett Demy