Hi, I'm Scarlett!
I am a Tantrika -- a disciple and teacher of the Tantric Yoga path. I help people heal relationship traumas, develop emotional intimacy and create deeper self love to attract healthy, loving relationships.

What is Tantra?
Tantra is a yogic practice that transforms your personal energy. The practices are mental, meditative, physical and tonal. They change your mental and emotional states, leading to a highly increased vibrational energy and radiance within. When you change your internal ENERGY, you start to notice huge shifts in your life. Your relationships & environments change for the better, your energy is a lot more magnetic and attractive, your emotions are under control and you carry yourself with confidence & self-love. Tantric practices have been highly guarded secrets with most texts being hidden and many destroyed. Tantra is known to be one of the most effective and quickest ways to improve oneself mentally, emotionally, physically & spiritually.

As a divine feminine in her power, I am approached by men every day. I've studied the numerous approaches closely and analyzed and created an inventory of information for what actually works and what doesn't. I know what works from the practical, to the personality traits and to the overall perception that they portray. I realized that when it all comes down to it, all the traits I liked like confidence, willpower and success were just expressions of his personal ENERGY. It is ENERGY that attracts people to you and ENERGY that makes a person attractive and magnetic. I discovered likewise that it's not just beauty that attracts men, but the vibe and energy - something everyone can learn. On a deeper level, men seek women who they can learn and adapt this energy from for their own spiritual development.
The modern society teaches so many things incorrectly when it comes to masculine & feminine relations. It isn't true that men are mindless, emotionless sex-hungry beings. Society has starved and brainwashed men into losing their masculinity and their inner development by chasing women in all the wrong ways (manipulation, etc), wasting their sexual energy (porn addiction, running after hookups), and working away like robots (avoiding intimacy and love through workaholism, etc). I'm here to inspire men to remember the JOY of being fully embodied in their Masculine Energy, which involves the desire for beautiful women which is ACTUALLY secretly a path of evolution for man to become his highest and best Self. When a man pursues a woman he is forced to work on himself which helps him evolve spiritually and come closer to knowing his true Self.
I have also opened up my offerings to women who are craving to remember their true femininity and magnetism and how to allow life to serve them as it naturally does - how to become her Goddess Self.
This heightened polarity of masculine and feminine energy is the energy that drives the world. I'm excited to share with you the truths your soul has been craving!

I discovered Tantra on my spiritual journey through a synchronistic and divinely led path. I learned Esoteric Tantric Meditations and practices, how to master the powerful Kundalini energy at the base of the spine, and combined them with various other powerful activating rituals including Magik and Gnostic practices. These practices all teach how to master one's internal Kundalini energy, which includes sexual energy, leading to mastering relationships and overall life. I have fine tuned The Arts of Attraction by practicing various secret Tantric and Taoist techniques that create a shift in mental strength, emotional resilience, and natural magnetism. I teach these practices to men and women, showing them how to attract a great partner by having a high sense of self-love and inner spiritual development. Through Tantra you learn deeper love and intimacy with yourself & others, which simultaneously leads you to the higher, nobler, more pleasurable and satisfying goal of love and connection with Spirit.